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Updated: Oct 23, 2020

More than ever we need to celebrate people in our lives working to bring beauty to this planet. We have so much ugliness around us that it hurts. It hurts to see the destruction, the anger, the rage, the animosity, the anarchy, the violence, the despair...

So today I feel that it Is my DUTY to give a shout out to someone I know who is working hard to make the world more beautiful.

Her name is Toby Wisneski and she’s the founder of Leave No Paws Behind. Inc, animal rescue in Southern California.

Toby and Leave No Paws Behind. Inc, specialize in senior, special needs and severe medical case dogs. To put that in perspective, the animals she takes in are NOT easy. They are not simple. They are not quick to become adoptable.. These are dogs with hearts of gold , but with severe medical issues that might always need to remain in foster homes versus being adopted.

Now I had heard of Toby and her amazing work and rescue for years but didn’t actually meet her until she jumped in to save a dog named Ollie, who I had initially heard about through Facebook.

Ollie was a horrific case of abuse that still haunts me today. Poor Ollie was a beautiful brown Cocker Spaniel who, at one point, had been full of life and love. He was “adopted” from a Los Angeles shelter and was then found as a stray 2 years later. I might not remember all the details exactly, but I will never forget the side by side photo of him from when he was adopted to when he wound up back at the shelter. In two years, he went from being a healthy and happy boy to a hollow shell of a dog. His jaw was missing, half his weight was missing and the light in his eyes was missing.

It was gut-wrenching.

We don’t know exactly what happened to Oliie while he lived in his “adopted” home, but we know it wasn’t good. Toby did absolutely everything she could to save this poor boy and give him a fighting chance, but unfortunately God had other plans. Ollie passed away a couple weeks after entering Leave No Paws Behind and we were all heartbroken.

It was at that moment, Toby told me that in Ollie’s name (as well as the names of ALL the dogs she’s helped and continues to help) she was going to do something BIG to make a true DENT in this horrific world of animal abuse/neglect/overpopulation.

And so she did! After a long road, Toby just opened her gorgeous low-cost veterinarian clinic in West Covina, California to serve those that want to keep their animals but find themselves in tough financial situations.

It certainly wasn’t easy ….and only became that MUCH tougher when the current pandemic hit, but Toby persevered.

She found a location, drew up the plans, got all the necessary permits and FOUGHT to turn her dream into reality.

A dream that will hopefully help the never-ending cycle of animals being adopted and then returned due to medical costs and finances.

So on behalf of Ollie, myself and ALL the animals you have touched, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

For more information on Leave No Paws Behind. Inc, and their low-cost veterinary clinic, click HERE!


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